By : Pooja Maurya

The first day we came to
know that we are a batch of 13 students from different background in education
field and with different age group, which excited me, even more. We were
introduced to one another and to our Founder & CEO Mr Abhay Gupta and also
to our Campus Director Mr Rajat Bhatacharya. And also to our senior
batch. Abhay sir introduced what luxury and luxury management is and also
quoted as "Cash rich- time poor". It's so true and I was totally
touched and understood the value of it.
The next day was
unbelievable; we were taken to four different sector of luxury Industry. The
first they took us too BMW (Automobile) next to Trufitt & Hill (Wellness)
followed by the grand Hyatt Residency (Real Estate) and finally to The Roseate hotel
(Hospitality). I hardly could imagine of such things but it happened on second
day in a high profiled manner with their photographer and creative team.
The third day pot of
homesickness was full and I reached to my class to give presentation on experience
of our industry visit. There I had fight with my mind and I stepped out of my
comfort zone but with that chaos I expressed my experience through ppt but
couldn't deliver it completely. Later, Abhay sir introduced to our subjects
semester wise but that also couldn't calm my mind. The second half time we had
Panel discussion where they shared their experience and successful story which
helped me to push away my mixed feeling of being away from home and achieving
my goal. It also helped me to set my mind. "Life is not easy" I know
the meaning now. Life is all about creating and recreating successful stories
where you put lots of efforts, hard works, dedication and the whole process go
through to be a successful person.
The first three days of
school has changed my whole concept of Luxury. It has wide range of luxury
industries in different sectors. LCBS is all about everyday learning. Noah! I
must be specific; it's about practical learning what u can implement in day
today life and in luxury industry. Here, the whole concept of teaching and
learning is different.
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